We have chosen peach varieties that ripen through the summer and extended the season for enjoying the delight of a fresh, succulent peach.
Variety Descriptions
Rising Star-is an early ripening peach with a bright orange-red skin and a slight stripe. The flesh is firm and pleasantly sweet. This is a high quality semi-freestone peach ripening in mid-July.
Star Fire- is a very large peach with red skin, firm yellow flesh and some red around the stone. This freestone peach has outstanding eating qualities and will become a personal favorite. Star fire will ripen beginning in early August.
All Star-This bright red peach has clear, non-browning flesh. The fruit is very large and has a very good flavor. All star is available beginning in mid-August.
Elberta-This world famous peach is the last to ripen in the orchard. The large, golden yellow fruit with red blush is known for its juiciness and flavor. It is a favorite for desserts, canning, freezing and jam. The Elberta does not ripen until September but is well worth the wait.